Sunday, July 05, 2009

Here are some great funny stories from motivational speaker Nigel
Funny quotes

My husband wanted one of those big-screen TV's for his birthday. So I just moved his chair closer to the one we have already." -Wendy Liebman

"Inside me there's a thin person struggling to get out, but I can usually sedate him with four or five cupcakes." -Bob Thaves

"So far on my 30-day diet, I lost 18 days." - Terry McEntire

"I'm not offended by all the blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb...and I also know that I'm not blonde." - Dolly Parton

have a great week and change something
all my love

My favourite video to improve your game is linked below,I defy anyone not to understand the importance of a 1 degree shift

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