Sunday, February 28, 2010

Attention Getter example

I made some "dirt" from crushed Oreos, chocolate pudding, and Cool Whip. I took a real plant and put the pot (base covered in foil) inside a larger pot filled with the edible "dirt". It looked like the edible dirt was what the plant was potted in. After introducing that we would be studying soils for the next unit, I announced that I wondered what soil (humas) tasted like. I impulsively opened my desk drawer, took out a spoon and ate some "dirt" from the potted plant. The students gasped, thinking I was nuts; then I confessed and we all ate some edible "dirt" for fun as we began to discuss soils and in particular humas. Another time my second graders were studying amphibians when I began eating some eating Tapioca posed as frog eggs. Yes

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