Saturday, February 06, 2010

I have a painting I bought in Haiti I call Elvis's children. Painted on a piece of plywood in bold primary colors are hundreds of little black angles with white robes and wings all playing musical instruments and flying in a bright blue sky. The men all have Elvis Presley like side burns, hence my name for the painting. I love this work of art.
I remember the sunny blue sky day on the private beach in Haiti when I bought the painting. Scattered across a shady part of the beach were hundreds of bright blobs of color. This painting, with its tiny angels immediately captured my fancy. Its full of details. The sky is filled with musicians with wings, but it also has a river filled with long brown boats filled with tiny natives and at the rivers end a tree of life loaded with not just one kind of fruit, but every fruit and vegetable you can imagine, and also birthing big red, purple and green balloon's just for fun.
I asked the man hovering over the section of painting where I found this piece of art if he had painted it he smiled wide, nodded his head said, "Yes!" enthusiastically." When I asked him his name his body bent out over the painting to get an upside down view of the signature. He struggled to read the name of the artist and make it his own. We laughed as he tried to say the artists name and I handed all the money I had with me for the trip to him to him to take it home.
It hung in my house for many years. A house with running water, a full refrigerator and pantry filled with food. It's a true conversation piece. A memory of a golden afternoon on a tropical isle conversing with a happy art trader.
Since the disaster in Haiti I have thought about that man. Is he safe? Did he survive? I have wondered about the man or women who painted all those little angels. Are the two in Haiti, looking for food and water, struggling to survive? or are they playing tunes with Elvis children, little angels in the bright blue Haitian sky?

I just read a moving article on a survivor of the Haitian quake in "The Week." I highly recommend that you read it. You can find the original article titled, Haiti: A survivors' story at

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